Captive to our thoughts and emotions
It’s not what we say, it’s often what we don’t say that is having the biggest impact upon our lives. It’s also said that when we are alone with our thoughts, we are at our most vulnerable. No matter what your social standing, breeding or lineage, we are all captives to our emotions, our relationships, our jobs, our business, our peers, our politics, our religion, even our aspirations, hopes and dreams. It can also be said, that we are captives of our very own bodies and personalities.

About SeanO
I always wanted to be an artist, but I also wanted to be a filmmaker too.
Art is just the pure reflection of what we sensing right now in this world.
And, in this instance, these experiences are manifested, recreated, channeled through words, music, paper, canvas, stone, clay, digital tablets, photography, films and hard hitting media.
What we see, what we capture, what we create and recreate, this is all art,
this is our life... this is our story!
Life in Slow-motion
YOU are m
Supporting Cast
A carefully chosen piece of film music plays a huge part in enhancing both the mood and atmosphere of the moment and truly mirrors the mood of what the audience is visually witnessing. Great music really does something magical to the brain, whether it’s classical, Instrumental, or good old rhythmic pop music, seems to create a metaphoric map in our minds and help sensitively colour the perceptions of the the viewer or audience. I like to think the music I have chosen thoughtfully compliments the storytelling, offers meaning to a character’s actions, creates a positive connect towards the subjects thoughts and feelings. Most of all, I hope it creates the right level of emotional empathy with our own consciousness
YOU are my street muses,
is also harmonized with classical or instrumental music and adds to the pull of the emotional scenes.
relives the entirety of
and the synchronicity with our emotional thoughts and perhaps, even the ethereal connect with the enduring soul.
Londoners Giving the Performance
of their Lives
‘Only Human’ is about capturing London citizens on film and canvas, as they stage the flesh & bone, street theater performance of their lives. This is not scripted drama, its real-life soap opera, but with a deep focus on the complex human interplay of our thoughts, actions and emotions.
Capturing One Perfect Frame of Life
When I look through my camera lens, my focus is to find one perfect frame of life, just one singular picture that conveys the raw and naked emotion of the human story. Once I find that frame, that precious life moment, it's immortalized forever in a synthesis of film, music, paint, charcoal, pastel and wooden-board.
Life is composed of moments and emotions
The entirety of our lives consists of a series of moments and in any one of those moments, we can consciously or subconsciously experience as many as 27 distinct types of complex emotions.
So it's only natural, that with each film I produce and every picture I paint, I almost become a part that person, their lives, their drama and their emotion states. In the year I have worked upon this project, I have come to love each and everyone of my muses, above all else, they have taught me to realize...
...we are all, only human.
Filming and painting one single frame of emotion from the story of our lives
In the television and feature film industry they produce drama in scripted scenes sually shot at 25 to 60 frames per second.
When I look through my camera lens, I’m looking to find and paint one perfect frame of life, a singular picture that helps to embellish and convey the raw emotion from that precise moment.
Filming and painting one single frame
of emotion from the story of our lives
"All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players." William Shakespeare
I'm proposing an art exhibition that attempts to capture the human emotion condition, illuminating our strengths and frailties, our happiness and sadness, even our abundance and comparitive emptiness. London is the uncontrolled stage, where we each offer the uninhibited performance of our lives.
An average 2 hour feature film contains over 158,400 frames of live action, if y
My picture was my stage and men and women my actors...
William Hogarth c1763
"My picture was my stage and men and women my actors" William Hogarth c1763
This is the Peoples ART & YOU are my Muses
Nine Portraits: Nine Films: Nine Life Moments.
One of my art heroes is Caravaggio, who perfected the dramatic painting technique of darkness an light. My art has a similar strand, all except i am focused upon capturing the darkness and light of our emotions. And just like Caravaggio, my muses are from the streets, ordinary people, leading ordinary lives, all existing to breath, live and survive. Everyday they are experiencing the roller-coaster ride of our lives, traversing through our own deep reservoir of raw human thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Just like a Tragic Shakespearean Play
None of us are exempt, we each recurrently experience life's moments of regret, anxiety, pain, anger, suffering, fatigue, solitude, loneliness, empathy, surprise, entrancement, joy, love and desire. And just like a tragic Shakespearean play,
our lives are forever composed of these moments.
This is the Peoples ART & YOU are my Street Muses
Nine Portraits: Nine Films: Nine Life Moments.
Just like the great artist Caravaggio, all my muses are from the streets, that are ordinary people, leading ordinary lives, existing to breath, live and survive. My art is intensely focused upon capturing the darkness and light of human emotions and our disposition to love, joy, isolation, pain and mental anguish. Just like the oddment shapes of a jigsaw puzzle, each emotion piece of the puzzle creates a chain of events that contributes towards the compelling story of our lives. We are like a tragic Shakespearean play, our lives forever composed of these moments. SeanO
Who do you think you are? Are we really all that different?
No matter what your social standing, breeding or lineage, we are all without exception held hostage to our emotions, our relationships, our jobs, our business, our peers, our politics, our religion, even our aspirations, hopes and dreams. It is also said,that we are perhaps captives of our very own bodies and personalities.