in the
This portrait portfolio centers around two themes: "London People" and "London Life."
Mixed media canvases depict real people and authentic life moments unfolding
Digital portraits delve into the humor, realism, and everyday realities of modern London
Tens of thousands of people captured across 12 inner London Boroughs
Paintings are shaped by individuals I photograph across the urban city streets
Mixed Media
Gazes whisper, faces echo — a silent story in motion portraits are about capturing small moments suspended in time!
Mixed media paintings and sketches are real people in the heart of London,
where each portrait strives to capture raw & unfiltered expressive faces.
I'm inviting the viewer to second-guess the moment, and delve into
the muse's innermost thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
'Every portrait represents a real person... a real life moment unfolding'

The eyes whisper and facial expression echo
...a life moment unfolding
Photographing and painting each muse
...feels like I'm in a constant dance of shifting identities
London is a stage, and all men & women merely players
...the saga of London life is like a classic Shakespearean play!
Digital Art
'Storytelling art... inspired by modern life and experiences.'
Selfie & Social Media Addiction

Navigating the bemusing side of parenthood - things children can say or do in public, those atomic tantrums, pooing and weeing ordeals, hand & finger gestures, throwing food in diners
and making remarks about peoples appearance
Selfie syndrome - an obsessive-compulsive behavior - taking selfie pictures and posting to social media. Obsessed with our looks, selfitis is a recognized personality disorder - or are we just plain old fun, attention seeking narcissists?
30 -Something Millennials

The quarter-life-crisis - impulsive behaviors, goal & career path anxieties, pressure to settle down, have children, health fears with eating, drinking & aging, financial stress, peer comparisons... and getting stupendously pissed in public.

'My street theater of the flesh and bone
how can you ever get bored of London, when the
human story is unfolding right there in front of you!
My digital art focuses on the real life soap opera stories of London, where
each of my photograph muses become my actors, embodying the role of their lives.
Each portrait weaves together humor, realism, and morality, reflecting on
the balance of how we live, work, and play in modern society.
Modern - Families
I'm driven towards the capture of those small emotional moments
...where every experience is a fragmented piece of the human jigsaw puzzle,
each moment adding towards the completed picture-story of our life Odyssey.

All character portraits are inspired from real people photographed in London
All of my character portraits draw inspiration from real faces photographed in London. Many of these portraits reimagine individuals, placing them in entirely new life situations and inviting them to step into the chaotic shoes of someone else. You're trading places, swapping lives with an exciting new, and perhaps outlandish, alter ego.
Attempting to capture the quintessence of life in 21st Century London
Through my storytelling portraits, I breathe life into hundreds of characters,
capturing, imagining and documenting the quintessence of life in 21st-century London.
In creating this project, I've uncovered a world fueled by ego, pulsating with the rhythms of human drama, continuously unfolding across the realms of work, life, and play.
Each portrait character opens a window into life in modern-day London, they make a dynamic cast of actors, comedians, entertainers, mimics, and impersonators, each writing their own scripts and take their turn performing in the city's relentless theatrical drama.